Cyber Security

Highly secured infrastructure, applications and data empower your organization to make bold and frequent changes to the business for continuous optimization to stay ahead of the competition.


We offer network security infrastructure solutions and services, including firewall systems, IDS/IPS, NAC, network segmentation, device hardening, and additional offerings

  1. Firewall Management: Assessment, configuring and managing firewalls, ensuring proper rule sets are in place, and monitoring firewall activity.
  2. Intrusion Detection and Prevention: monitoring network traffic for suspicious activity, configuring and managing IDPS systems, and responding to incidents.
  3. VPN Management: configuring and managing VPN connections, ensuring secure communication between networks, and monitoring VPN activity.
  4. Network Access Control (NAC): configuring and managing NAC systems, ensuring compliance with security policies, and monitoring NAC activity.
  5. Email Security: spam filtering, antivirus protection, and email encryption.
  6. Web Application Security: vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and web application firewalls.

We offer IAM services and solutions encompassing identity management, access control, authentication and authorization solutions, and more

  1. Identity Governance and Administration (IGA): processes and technologies used to manage the lifecycle of user identities, including provisioning, deprovisioning, and access request management.
  2. Authentication and Authorization: authentication and authorization services, including multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and access control policies.
  3. Privileged Access Management (PAM): solutions for control and monitoring of access to privileged accounts and sensitive data with password vaulting, session monitoring, and access control for privileged accounts.
  4. Federation and Single Sign-On (SSO): authentication for access to multiple applications or systems without having to re-enter credentials. Often includes identity federation, and cross-domain access.
  5. Identity Analytics and Intelligence: user behavior analytics, access analytics, and threat intelligence to identify potential security risks.

Isotropic Solutions provides DLP services, including the design, implementation, and support of DLP systems, data classification, encryption, monitoring, and reporting.

  1. DLP assessment: we help organizations identify their sensitive data, understand how it is being used and stored, and identify potential vulnerabilities and risks.
  2. DLP policy development to help our customers outline how sensitive data should be protected, who has access to it, and how it should be monitored and controlled.
  3. DLP technology selection and implementation: we help organizations select and implement DLP technologies that best fit their needs, such as data discovery tools, data classification tools, and content-aware security solutions.
  4. DLP monitoring and alerting: Isotropic Solutions Security can provide ongoing monitoring of an organization’s sensitive data to detect and alert on any unauthorized access or use.
  5. DLP incident response: leveraging our SOC capacity we can help customers quickly respond to data breaches or other incidents involving sensitive data.
  6. DLP training and awareness: we will provide training and awareness programs to ensure that staff are aware of DLP policies and procedures, and can identify and report potential security incidents.

We offer comprehensive solutions for endpoint protection, including advanced endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities. Additionally, our services encompass vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate potential weaknesses across endpoints


  1. Endpoint protection software: we help select and implement endpoint protection software that includes antivirus, anti-malware, and firewall solutions to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats.
  2. Endpoint detection and response (EDR): we implement them to provide continuous monitoring of endpoints for suspicious activity and the ability to respond to security incidents.
  3. Patch management: we provide patch management services to ensure that endpoints are up to date with the latest security patches and software updates.
  4. Mobile device management (MDM): MDM solutions can be implemented to manage and secure mobile devices that access an organization’s network and data.
  5. Employee training: we provide training to customers’ employees to help them understand the risks associated with endpoint usage and best practices for securing their endpoints.
  6. Incident response and management: leveraging our SOC capacity Isotropic Solutions Security provides incident response and management services to help customers recover and mitigate the impact of the incident

We specialize in designing, implementing, and supporting SIEM solutions for our clients. These solutions enable them to monitor their networks effectively, receive alerts, and generate reports as needed

  1. SIEM implementation: relying on our experiences of SOC implementations and operations Isotropic Solutions Security helps customers implement SIEM solutions by assessing their needs, selecting the appropriate solution from Splunk, ELK, Microsoft, IBM, and configuring and deploying the SIEM solution.
  2. SIEM management and monitoring: we provide ongoing management and monitoring of customers’ SIEM solutions, ensuring that it is functioning properly and that security events are being properly identified and addressed.
  3. SIEM tuning and optimization: Isotropic Solutions Security can help customers optimize their SIEM solutions by fine-tuning the solution to reduce false positives and improve the accuracy of threat detection.
  4. SIEM reporting and analysis: we provide custom reporting and analysis of SIEM data, enabling organizations to gain insights into their security posture and identify areas for improvement.
  5. SIEM integration: Isotropic Solutions Security helps customers integrate their SIEM solutions by Splunk, ELK, Microsoft, IBM, with other security technologies and data sources, such as threat intelligence feeds and vulnerability management systems, to provide a more complete view of their security posture.
  6. SIEM training: we can provide training to security teams to help them understand the capabilities of the SIEM solution and how to use it effectively to identify and respond to security threats

We provide services in disaster recovery planning, data backup and recovery, business continuity planning, and other related areas

  1. Risk assessment: we help organizations identify potential risks to their operations and prioritize their DR and BC planning efforts accordingly.

  2. Business impact analysis: we help our customers understand the potential impact of a disruption to their operations and identify critical systems and data that must be protected.

  3. DR and BC planning: we develop DR and BC plans that outline the steps to be taken in the event of a disruption, including backup and recovery procedures, communication plans, and alternative work arrangements.

  4. DR and BC testing: we test customers’ DR and BC plans to ensure that they are effective and that staff are prepared to respond in the event of a disruption.

  5. Cloud-based DR and BC solutions: we design and implement DR and BC solutions that enable organizations to rapidly recover critical systems and data in the event of a disruption, without the need for on-premises hardware or infrastructure.

  6. Incident response: leveraging our SOC capacity we help organizations quickly respond to security incidents and minimize their impact on operations.

  7. Training and awareness: additionally, we provide training and awareness programs to ensure that our customers’ staff are aware of DR and BC procedures and can respond appropriately in the event of a disruption.

Isotropic Solutions Solutions offer vulnerability assessment and penetration testing services for web, mobile, and IT infrastructure, employing black, grey, and white-box models.

At Isotropic Solutions Solutions, we understand the paramount importance of cybersecurity for businesses regardless of their size. Penetration testing, also known as pen testing, stands out as a highly effective method to evaluate the robustness of your organization's defenses.

To deliver penetration testing services, our team of certified experts employs cutting-edge tools and methodologies. Through simulating real-world cyberattacks, we meticulously identify vulnerabilities within your systems, applications, and networks.

Isotropic Solutions offers advanced cybersecurity solutions that merge cutting-edge technology and procedural approaches to safeguard our clients’ IT infrastructure from cyber threats. Our expertise lies in integrating hardware, software, networks, and other elements to identify, thwart, and counteract a wide array of cyber-attacks, including malware, viruses, phishing, ransomware, and other malicious threats

An effective cybersecurity framework usually comprises several tiers of defense, facilitated by various cybersecurity tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, antivirus and anti-malware programs, along with network segmentation. Additionally, the framework should incorporate protocols and strategies for incident response, disaster recovery, and business continuity planning. 

We term the solution as “Defense in Depth”, a cybersecurity strategy that employs multiple layers of protection to safeguard against potential threats. By implementing diverse security measures at different levels of an organization’s infrastructure from perimeter to endpoint and also leveraging on lateral traffic and data movement, this approach aims to mitigate risks and enhance resilience. These layers can include technical controls, such as firewalls and encryption, alongside procedural safeguards like employee training and incident response protocols. Ultimately, Defense in Depth strengthens overall security posture by creating a robust and layered defense mechanism.

Apart from deploying cybersecurity solutions, Isotropic Solutions conducts routine security testing and vulnerability assessments to pinpoint potential security weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This proactive approach enables us to address our customers’ cybersecurity concerns preemptively, thwarting cybercriminal exploitation before it occurs.

In conjunction with managed security and penetration testing, cybersecurity infrastructure services serve as the foundation of Isotropic Solution’s security operations. They furnish the essential technology and expertise required to meet our customers’ security requirements effectively.


Black Box Pen testing

We offer black box penetration testing services, where access to the source code or internal system design is unavailable. Instead, we depend on publicly available information, such as the system’s behavior, inputs, and outputs, to conduct thorough assessments


Grey Box Pen testing

We perform grey box penetration tests, leveraging partial knowledge or information about the target system obtained from various sources, such as previous tests. However, we lack complete access to its internal workings.


White Box Pen testing

We conduct white box penetration tests when we possess comprehensive information about the target system, encompassing its architecture, source code, and access to sensitive data. This enables us to conduct thorough and in-depth examinations.


Web Applications Testing

We execute simulated attacks on web applications, employing both manual and automated methodologies to uncover security vulnerabilities exploitable by attackers. Subsequently, we furnish recommendations for remediation to bolster security measures


Mobile Applications

We perform security assessments on mobile applications to pinpoint vulnerabilities within the application’s code, infrastructure, and data storage systems. Following this evaluation, we offer recommendations for remedial actions


Cloud Assessment

We evaluate cloud computing environments across platforms like AWS, Google, and Azure to uncover vulnerabilities, such as misconfigured access controls, inadequate authentication mechanisms, and insecure data storage. Subsequently, we deliver remediation recommendations tailored to your cloud infrastructure


IT Infrastructure

We conduct assessments on IT systems, networks, and infrastructure to uncover vulnerabilities, such as misconfigured access controls, weak authentication mechanisms, unpatched systems, and more. By identifying these vulnerabilities, we mitigate the risk of data breaches and other security incident


Leading Certifications and Credentials

Our experts possess extensive expertise validated by years of successful experience and leading certifications, including OSCP, OSWE, OSCE, eWPTX, and various others.


Tried, Tested and Proven Methodologies

OWASP’s Application Security Verification Standard, Web Security Testing Guide, and Mobile Security Testing Guide


Comprehensive Outputs

We furnish thorough penetration test reports containing technical and business specifics of identified vulnerabilities, along with recommendations for remediation and more.



A significant benefit we offer is access to highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in challenging enterprise settings, all at competitive rates


Vendor Agnostic

We provide vendor-agnostic security solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of my clients, ensuring flexibility and compatibility across various technologies and platforms. Our approach prioritizes effectiveness and efficiency, allowing for the integration of the best-suited solutions regardless of vendor affiliations. With a focus on interoperability and freedom of choice, We empower clients to optimize their security posture without being tied to specific brands or suppliers